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Our RevSport Q&A session is coming up next weekend! 

Please review the RevSport Resources page on the website:

There is a range of videos and help guides that would be benefical to review before coming to the Q&A session.

Once these have been reviewed, please provide any questions or areas you would like to go over in our session to ensure we get the most out of the 45 minutes.


Club Developement Conference RevSport Q&A session

Saturday, 1 March - 10.15 am - 11.00 am

Run by Greta (Admin) and Charlie (Competitions)

Register if you have not already:

Administration related questions

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs account settings you want to cover in the session

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs members tab you want to cover in the session

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs finance tab you want to cover in the session

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs site you want to cover in the session

Competition related questions

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs teams tab you want to cover in the session

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs transfers tab you want to cover in the session

Please list any questions or areas related to your clubs competitions tab you want to cover in the session