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Please check over all information below before proceeding.

Below you will find the 2025 Hockey Victoria Affiliation Form. Before proceeding, please be aware of the below information.

The information listed and linked below links to Part 5: Affiliate Declaration for when your elected office bearer completing this form is required to agree and comply with all Hockey Victoria policies.

Please click through and read the below. As an elected office bearer representative and on behalf of the affiliate, please confirm that you understand and agree to comply with all Hockey Victoria policies in part 4 of this form.

Information for Part 5: Affiliate Declaration


  1. Hockey Australia National Database Policy 

  1. Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy 

  1. Hockey Australia Code of Behaviour 

  1. Hockey Victoria Constitution 

  1. Hockey Victoria Rules, Regulations & By Laws (where appropriate) 

  1. Hockey Victoria Policies that may be adopted by the HV Board 

  1. Registration of all participants via revolutioniseSPORT 

  1. Ensuring that only approved personnel have access to the member’s data 

  1. Provide accurate team number data, where requested 

  1. Hockey Victoria League Entry Criteria (LEC) (where appropriate) 


If you have any questions prior to completing this form, please contact

Enter your email address*

Part 1: Affiliate Details

The name you would like to be referred to by HV:

If different from the name above:

If the file is to large, please email a copy of the constitution to

Max 5MB

Please enter BSB & Acc No.

Part 2: Executive Committee Contact Details

Please enter the full name of your President.

Please enter the full name or your Secretary.

Please enter the full name of your Treasurer.

Please enter the full name of your Hock-e-Comms contact.

Part 3: 2024 Hockey Victoria Delegate

If your Club/Association was Affiliated with Hockey Victoria for 2023, you may be eligible to vote at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in April 2024. For Hockey Victoria's record, please update your Delegate below. If this changes prior to the AGM, please advise at a minimum 48 hours prior to the 2023 HV AGM as per the HV Constitution.

Please enter the full name of your HV Delegate.

PART 4: Section Coordinator Details

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

Please enter Name, Email Address & Phone No.

PART 5: Affiliate Declaration

The above named affiliate hereby seeks affiliation with Hockey Victoria Inc for the year 2024. As an elected office bearer representative and on behalf of the affiliate, I understand and agree to comply with all Hockey Victoria policies, outlined at the beginning of this webpage.

By affiliating with Hockey Victoria, our Affiliate agree to comply with the declarations outlined above.

Please enter the full name of your Club/Association admin who confirms their affiliate declaration of the above form.

Please enter the position of the Club/Association admin who is filing out this form.

Affiliates will be invoiced $335.00 (Inc. GST) for 2024 Affiliation during January 2024.