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Please provide the information below as accurately as possible to allow Hockey Victoria to assess the Expression of Interest efficiently. For information on some of the benefits of being affiliated with Hockey Victoria, please copy this link and paste it in your browser

Enter your email address*

Affiliate Details

Please answer with your first and second preference of the name in which your club will identify as.

Please enter your name and committee position

Please upload (if applicable)

Max 5MB

Please upload (if applicable)

Affiliate Location

Do you have a committee comprising of a President, Secretary & Treasurer?


Please indicate below all applicable competitions you plan to request team entry into for the next Winter Season.

Please enter how many teams you think you will have in your first winter season, please indicate no. of teams and gender.

How many members do you think your club will have in your first season

Game Development

Do you intend on running a Hookin2Hockey program in your first season

Please select any of the following inclusion programs you intend on running in your first season
