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JSC Zone Coordinator Vacancies for 2021

Published Mon 09 Nov 2020

Hockey Victoria is currently seeking a Zone Coordinator in both the North East Red Devils and Southern Sharks Zones for 2021.

The Zone Coordinator is a volunteer leadership position which oversees the administration and management of the junior development activities delivered within their Zone. This particularly relates to the selection, preparation phase and participation of their six teams in the Junior State Championships annually.

Further information in relation to the responsibilities of the Zone Coordinator can be found through the following links:

The appointment would initially be for the duration of 2021, but there is the option to extend year on year should both parties mutually agree to.

Interested in applying?

If you wish to apply for either role, please email Ben Seccull ( by 9.00am on Wednesday 25th November with the following information:

  • Specify which of the two roles you wish to apply for
  • A short sport specific CV (particularly outlining any paid or voluntary roles you have held in hockey or any other sports)
  • 300 words or less outlining why you believe you are suitable for the role
  • The contact details of a person that is willing to act as a referee for you (ideally from your club)

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Events & Indoor Hockey Manager Ben Seccull at (
