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CEO & Presidents Update December 2020

Published Mon 21 Dec 2020

On behalf of the Hockey Victoria (HV) Board & Management we are writing to provide an update to the community as we lead into a much-needed break and rest with family and friends this festive season. 

2020 has arguably been the most remarkable year in everyone’s life.  Not to mention a year where we have not experienced a full season of Hockey in Victoria. 

Firstly, we would both like to acknowledge the efforts of our 150+ community Hockey clubs who have worked tirelessly on multiple occasions to stand your clubs up in preparation for Hockey seasons and activities.  For the vast majority without any luck.  Your work in ensuring your communities remained connected socially throughout this year’s pandemic has been truly remarkable and inspiring.  We could not be prouder of the Hockey communities conduct and attitude in 2020 under really challenging circumstances.  This attitude and commitment are single handily why we are very optimistic about our recovery and growth in 2021. 

Secondly, to the State & Federal Government for their strong support of community sport and community sporting organisations.  Without the support we would not be in the financial position we find ourselves in December 2020.  A position where we have been able to provide our members with flexibility with regards to their fees in 2020 and a cap on all fees leading into 2021. 

Thirdly, to Hockey Australia and our fellow State Hockey Associations who have all supported us throughout 2020.  To HA who have provided the 8,500 registered Victorian players in 2020 a credit on their 2021 fees and to our fellow MAs who have thrown their strong support behind Victorian Hockey through the ‘sticksforvics’ campaign throughout the second lockdown period. 

We wanted to acknowledge the outstanding work conducted by our clubs and Associations over the past two months in getting Hockey back out there in Victoria.  For HV we have been able to get our 2020 Under 15 & 18 State athletes back out on the pitch and deliver our Under 13 Academy Program.  A number of clubs and Associations have reported really strong numbers of juniors back at training and playing small sided games through to the establishment of a short summer season in West Gippsland with Friday night Hockey in Drouin.  The team entries for the 2021 season through the League and Pennant competitions are strong and the HV Management & Board are very confident of a swift recovery. 

Whilst our primary focus was standing up the Winter Hockey season again. The cancelled season has allowed management and the Board to focus on a range of key projects focussed on strengthening our capacity and capability from 2021. 

Last week we were delighted to released our Strategic Ambition for 2021-2024.  The plan is focussed on recovery but also stretching ourselves into new heights through participation in mid-week Hockey, inclusion, diversity, commercial revenue and governance.  Like over the past four years our success as an organisation is only off the back of the strength of our clubs and Associations and we look forward to continuing our strong relationship together as we work towards our aspirations outlined in the plan. 

In August we released our new Hockey Victoria website.  The website is mobile friendly and through the process we have reduced the number of pages and included an inclusion widget which provides greater accessibility to people with a disability.  The new website also saw the launch of a club finder which will help new Hockey players find local clubs and programs in 2021 and beyond.

We delivered a range of education programs and forums online in 2020 which has significantly increased the number of regional Victorian participants in our programs.  This included; 

  • Level 1 Coaching Courses
  • Level 1 Umpire Course
  • Hockey Education Week
  • Girls Brunch
  • Retention in Community Sport Workshop with Victoria University
  • 30 Day fitness challenges for our pathway athletes
  • Regular Club & Association Forums

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the sacrifice and commitment of our team of staff at HV throughout 2020.  Every staff member has remained engaged and focussed on standing the sport up for our community.  We both could not be prouder of the attitude and professionalism demonstrated by the team.

To the community we would like to wish all players, coaches, umpires, officials and administrators of our great game a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Year period.  We look forward to seeing you all out on the pitch in 2021. 

Kind regards,

Shaun Dooley & Andrew Skillern