The competition hub is home to all the relevant information clubs administrators need to be able to engage in the sport we all love. Use the tabs below to navigate through the different components that apply to our competitions.
Visit the links below to see our Competition & Admin calendar:
- 2025 Competition Calendar - details all the relevant dates, rounds and events across all competitions for the year
- 2025 Admin Calendar - details all the relevant deadlines for club administrators
The Hockey Victoria Winter Competition is governed by the following rules & regulations:
Rules Review
We invite clubs, administrators and members to submit feedback on our rules and regulations to be reviewed at the end of the year by a selected rules review panel, ahead of next years season.
To submit your feedback, please complete the form HERE by 11:59PM Sunday 6 Oct.
- Winter Fixture Export Public: Club Links - provides the whole season fixture for Senior, Midweek and Junior competition, as well as a detailed breakdown of each clubs fixture
- Winter Fixture Export Public Help Guide - this help guide details how to navigate the above fixure export
A reminder that results entry on RevSport must be completed as per the timelines below:
- Help Guide - Manager Guide to Competitions in RevSport
- Help Guide - Competition Setup and Team Manager Results Entry
- Results Entry Video Guide
Altius (PL & VL1 Only)
For Premier League and Vic League 1, Altius is used in conjunction with RevSport as a competition management system. Altius provides real time updates on scoring and play-by-play, for spectators to follow along.
Team managers for PL & VL1 teams need to ensure that they have entered their team members and staff into Altius, and update their match day lineups as per the below help guides:
As of 2023 a National Transfer Process exists requiring any player who is registering for a different club in the current year than their primary club from the year prior must request and recieve a transfer before completing their registration.
Clubs should read this in full before continuing below: National Transfer Process Help Guide
Impact of the transfer process on Hockey Victoria Affiliates and Competition Management.
- The transfer process will be commenced anytime a player registers for a club that is not their primary club from the year prior.
As such any player who is registering for a secondary or third affiliate in the current year i.e. for the purpose of Indoor or Summer Hockey should register for their primary affiliate first and dual register for their Indoor or Summer team.
2. Clubs not currently setup for registrations
If your primary club has not setup registrations for the current year and you need to register, we recommend registering for your new club and advising your primary club that you will dual register with them. This is most likely the case in the regional context as currently only 3 metropolitan affiliates have not setup registrations.
- As players cannot fully register prior to the transfer being completed are they covered under the insurance program?
Yes they are covered from the time they commence their registration i.e. request the transfer
- Regional Association
Should review their rules and regulations to allow for the management of transfers via RevSPORT
- Transfer Notifications
All affiliates should ensure the appropriate people in their club have access to RevSPORT and are setup for notifications regarding transfers. Anyone needing assistance with this can contact the office.
- HV Competition Rules – 7 Day transfer period
This rule still applies and clubs have 7 days from the date of the request being lodged to approve or decline a transfer request. Requests not actioned in this time will be approved by HV.
Clubs who wish to decline a request or have it on hold whilst resolving outstanding matters with players should write to the clubs involved and cc
- Transfers in season
The outlined process only occurs when the player registers for the first time each year. Should a player arrive after the commencement of the season, clubs should clarify with that player whether they have registered and or played in the current season. If they have a transfer will need to be requested via the Transfer module in RevSPORT
- Primary Club
There will be situations where a member is listed in RevSPORT as a primary member with a club that would be deemed their secondary club due to how the member registered in the year prior. In this situation members should still request the transfer to ensure their record is linked correct to their Primary club.
- Definition of a Primary Club
HV will consider the following in relation to a player’s primary club
- 18 or Under – Junior Club is the primary club regardless of the competition they participate in
- Over 18 – Senior Club is the primary club regardless of the competition they participate in.
Overseas Player Permits
- Overseas Player Permit Application - complete this form to submit an overseas player application
- No Objection Certificate Form - complete this form to submit a no objection certificate
- Approved Overseas Players - access this google sheet for a list of approved Overseas players
- Hockey Australia Visa Support Letter - click here to submit an application for a visa support letter from HA
Finals Permits
- Finals Permit Application - complete this form to submit a finals permit
- Approved Finals Permits - access this google sheet for a list of approved finals permits
Junior Permits
Competition Guides:
- 2024 Finals Administration Guide
- Junior Competition Information Guide
- League Cup Guide
- Incident Report Form
Rules & Regulations:
Officials Guides:
- HV Officials Rostering Guide
- Technical Bench Responsibilities
- Technical Bench Specifications
- Help Guide - Technical Official Altius
- Penalty Shootout Competitions
Digital Support:
Click HERE to visit the League Entry Criteria page.