Hockey Victoria formal governance structure includes a Board and three (3) formal Sub Committees.
- Hockey Victoria Board
- Sub Committees:
High Performance Sub Committee
Finance Sub Committee
Risk & Governance Sub Committee
The HV Board meets between 8-10 times a year whilst the Sub Committees meet each quarter.
Two HV Board members are members of the Board Sub Committees maintaining strong communication and engagement between the different levels of Governance. On all sub committees of the Board there are representatives from Management (staff) and external representatives (from outside HV Board and Management) providing expertise in these key areas.
2021-2024 Strategic Ambition Document
2020 has been one of the most remarkable, challenging and unique years of all of our lives. Whilst hockey was not played in Victoria as we have known it for a century, we have learned a lot about how strong and sustainable our game and our community who administer and play the game are.
As part of our 2017-2020 Strategic Plan we set out to Grow, Diversify, Unite and Excel.
Our ambition was bold.
We set out to improve on the National stage, try new formats of the sport in the pursuit of growing our playing market, increasing the number of members in our clubs, advocating the importance of gender equity within our sport, improve our capacity and capability of our coaches and umpires and develop new hockey clubs in growth areas of outer Melbourne.
Click below for a summary of our achievements throughout 2017-2020.
During the lifespan of the current plan, we also launched HC Melbourne which provided our sport in Victoria with a level of profile for our talented women and men and our sport in the National scale. The significant step forward provided the framework to build our commercial profile and grow our non-member revenue sources to over 13% of revenue. This was a 5% increase in non-member revenue compared with 2016.
Our new 2021 – 2024 Strategic Ambition is focused on the following 3 sections:
- Quality – Competitions, Program & Events.
- Inclusiveness – Safe & Welcoming Environments.
- Sustainability – Good Governance & Financial Management.
We plan to achieve this through:
- Expanding opportunities for participants to play midweek hockey.
- A continued focus on increasing the representation of Women in leadership roles in Victorian hockey.
- A commitment to school recruitment programs driving the ongoing capacity and sustainability of our clubs and the game.
- A focus on expanding the opportunity for people with a disability, Indian communities and members of the LGBTIQ+ community in our sport.
- More programs, courses and education for our coaches, umpires and officials leading to improved experiences for all participants.
- Investment and development of our digital capability and capacity.
- Continued growth of the HC Melbourne product including our commercial profile, memberships, ticket sales, fans and general community engagement.
Click here to view 2021-2024:
View Strategic Ambition Summary
Strategic Ambition Full Document
2017-2020 Strategic Plan
On behalf of the Hockey Victoria (HV) Board & Staff I have great delight in launching our Strategic Plan for 2017-2020. After a 6-month review and consultation with our clubs, Associations, State Government, Hockey Australia and partners we are excited to declare our ambitions as a sport for the next four years.
As many of our stakeholders will be aware throughout the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan HVs two major focus areas were growth and sustainability of clubs. During the same time HV have pursued excellence in inclusion and the development of junior talent through our talent player programs. Furthermore, we have adopted an all of sport approach to our competition management at Premier League level by commencing the delivery of more robust League Entry Criteria (LEC) participation standards.
All of the above initiatives have enabled the sport and organisation to grow during the past four years. There are currently 22,300 registered participants in Victoria and this is a 4,300 participant increase on the participation levels state-wide at the end of 2012. HV aggressively pursued our share of the participation market in schools and challenged our clubs to engage in recruitment, retention and good governance initiatives. As a result, we now have a clear view of our hockey community’s capability and capacity over the next four years.
It is incredibly important that we focus on consolidation of several our programs and initiatives in which we have introduced in the past four years. In addition to this, we must be bold and innovative to attract new participants and revenue into our sport to support the traditional game. We must provide the wider community with easy access points to our sport which are attractive, affordable and break down traditional barriers associated with playing hockey.
Within the document, we have identified a set of goals and how we will work towards achieving these goals over the next four years. These high-level goals will be achieved through our ongoing partnerships with the Victorian State Government, Hockey Australia, VicHealth, our program partners and sponsors and our passionate hockey clubs and Associations who work around the clock to make our sport so great.
View the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Please click on the below links to view.
2024 Hockey Victoria Annual Report
2023 Hockey Victoria Annual Report
2022 Hockey Victoria Annual Report
To obtain a copy of the Hockey Victoria Inc. Constitution please follow the link below:
Each year, Hockey Victoria conducts its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Reports from the Chair, CEO, financial reports, and other matters for consideration are distributed directly to clubs and members in advance of the meeting.
At the AGM, 2-3 elected Directors are put up for election by the members. As part of this election process, the CEO invites nominations from the members for new Directors.
The Hockey Victoria 2024 AGM will be held on Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at the State Netball Hockey Centre (SNHC) in the Olympians Room.
If you have any questions regarding the 2024 AGM, or any AGM questions in general, please contact the Hockey Victoria office by phone at (03) 9448 2100 or email at